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For information about COVID-19 please visit the

BC Centre for Disease website at

Our Mission

Safety is of the utmost importance at Skydive Vancouver Island. COVID-19 has not changed this as our priority but rather has us looking even further into our evolving safety measures and processes, whether we are in the sky or on the ground at the dropzone. We have and will continue to critically analyze our processes, including making adaptations as needed and/or recommended by leading provincial and federal advisors. We are in an industry where there is no room for recklessness. We are working closely with Vancouver Island Health Authorities, Work Safe B.C., Transport Canada, Canadian Sport Parachuting Association, Equipment Manufactures, and other provincial and federal regulators to ensure a collaborative approach to our COVID-19 Response Plan is considered and implemented, keeping the appropriate measures in place and regularly audited to mitigate the risk of transmission to our customers, staff, and community while not jeopardizing our existing safety protocols.

Our COVID-19 Response Plan will be updated as needed to comply with both provincial and federal regulations, as well as, information provided by Vancouver Island Health Authorities, Work Safe B.C., Equipment Manufactures, and the Canadian Sport Parachuting Association to ensure we are keeping the most current measures in place. 

We encourage that every customer reads through and understands the procedures that will be in place at Skydive Vancouver Island during this global pandemic. If you have any questions or conerns please feel free to contact us at or at 250-580-JUMP(5867).

We understand that these protocols may cause some inconvenience, or delay your skydiving experience, for which we apologise. However, we must all do our part to help stop the spread.

When planning your experience with Skydive Vancouver know our

COVID-19 Response Plan Key Components

Help prevent the spread of COVID 19 Entr

COVID-19 Health Check Screening

As per Transport Canada screening regulations for passengers boarding an aircraft and the inability for Skydive Vancouver Island to provide the recommended two (2) metres of physical distancing at all times, a required Health Check Questionnaire will be put into place. 


The goal in conducting a health check questionnaire of every customer, employee, contract workers, and visitor is to verify whether they exhibit the following symptoms:

  • A fever;

  • A cough; and

  • Breathing difficulties.


In addition it is the goal to identify the following:

  • Whether they have been refused boarding an aircraft in the past fourteen (14) days due to a medical reason related to COVID-19;

  • Whether they are the subject of a mandatory quarantine order as a result of recent travel or as a result of an order issued by provincial and/or local public health authority; and

  • Whether they have been knowingly exposed to and/or caring for anyone who has presented and/or been diagnosed with the COVID-19 symptoms in the past fourteen (14) days


In the event that a customer, employees, contract workers, and visitors answer(s) to the health check questionnaire indicates a risk of COVID-19, or they refuse to answer any of the questions, refusal of service and/or boarding the aircraft will be taken by Skydive Vancouver Island.

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Physical Distancing

Skydive Vancouver Island will follow the recommendations of Work Safe B.C. and  Vancouver Island Health Authority as it pertains to maintaining physical distancing. 


Social distancing, also called “physical distancing,” means keeping space between yourself and other people outside of your home. To practice social or physical distancing:

  • Stay at least two (2) metres length from other people

  • Do not gather in groups

  • Stay out of crowded places and avoid mass gatherings


When physical distancing is not possible, it is important to maintain adequate and regular hand-washing and/or hand-sanitizing. Skydive Vancouver Island will provide several hand-sanitizing stations throughout the facility and at high contact areas.

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Practice Good Hygiene

The most important thing you can do to prevent infection and protect loved ones is to wash your hands regularly and avoid touching your face.


To help reduce your risk of infection:

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Using soap and water is the single most effective way of reducing the spread of infection.

  • If soap and water are not available, alcohol based hand rubs (ABHR) can be used to clean your hands as long as they are not visibly soiled. If they are visibly soiled, use a wipe and then ABHR to effectively clean them.

  • Do not touch your face, eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands.

  • Cover your mouth and nose with a disposable tissue or the crease of your elbow when you sneeze or cough.

  • Regularly clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces.

  • Do not share food, drinks, utensils, etc.


Skydive Vancouver Island will provide several hand-sanitizing stations throughout the facility and at high contact areas.

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Masks and Face Coverings

Skydive Vancouver Island will follow the regulations and recommendations of Transport Canada, Public Health Agency of Canada, and United Parachute Technologies as it pertains to the use of masks and face coverings. Masks or face coverings will be required when employees, contract workers, customers, and visitors are unable to maintain physical distancing.


We will provide all customers with their own face covering for their skydive experience that they can take home with them!


When worn properly, a person wearing a non-medical mask or face covering can reduce the spread of his or her own infectious respiratory droplets.

Non-medical face masks or face coverings should:

  • allow for easy breathing

  • fit securely to the head with ties or ear loops

  • maintain their shape after washing and drying

  • be changed as soon as possible if damp or dirty

  • be comfortable and not require frequent adjustment

  • be made of at least 2 layers of tightly woven material fabric (such as cotton or linen)

  • be large enough to completely and comfortably cover the nose and mouth without gaping

  • Some masks also include a pocket to accommodate a paper towel or disposable coffee filter, for increased benefit.


Skydive Vancouver Island on The

Activity Scheduling - Booking Your Skydive

Our current scheduling procedures and tracking of customers has been modified to accommodate measures specific to COVID-19 and promote physical distancing where possible.


You can book most skydiving experience online with Skydive Vancouver Island at or by calling us at 250-580-JUMP(5867).


Tandem Students​

Reservations can be made for groups no greater than twenty (20) people and who are all known to each other in their social circle will be accommodated.

Customers will be asked to arrive no earlier that fifteen (15) minutes prior to their scheduled activity time; If they arrive earlier than this time, they will be asked to remain in their vehicle until said time

Customers will be asked to avoid, if possible, participating in close proximity activities where physical distancing is not possible, for a minimum of three day (3) days prior to arriving at Skydive Vancouver Island


Students and Sport Jumpers

Please contact the office prior to planning your trip to Skydive Vancouver Island

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Department Safety Protocol

Skydive Vancouver Island personnel reserves the right to refuse service to anyone not adhering to operational and/or safety protocols, including those indicated in the COVID-19 Response Plan, of Skydive Vancouver Island Inc.​


All customers, visitors, employees, or contractor workers for Skydive Vancouver Island:

  • respect physical distancing,

  • avoid contact with staff members and customers whenever possible,

  • If you feel sick - stay home,

  • become sick while at our facility or receiving services at Skydive Vancouver Island you are required to follow the guidelines of BC Centre for Disease Control at,

  • presents any symptoms or feel sick within fourteen (14) days after being at our facility they are requested to advise the Skydive Vancouver Island Operations Manager, and

  • has returned from travel outside Canada MUST self-isolate for fourteen (14) days and adhere to the Government of British Columbia Quarantine Act. 

Cleaning Products

General Cleaning Protocol

Our Facilities

All areas of the dropzone will be cleaned and disinfected regularly with a minimum requirement at the end of each day and immediately after someone on site has been suspected to be infected or becomes ill.


Our Aircraft

Skydive Vancouver Island will adhere to the regulations and recommendations for cleaning and disinfecting of aircraft(s) by the operators and Person Responsible for Maintenance (PRM). Areas of high or frequent contact will be cleaned more frequently as well as at the end of each day and immediately after someone on site has been suspected to be infected or becomes ill.


Our Shuttle Van

Areas of high or frequent contact on the shuttle van will be cleaned between every passenger load, as well as, at the end of each day and immediately after someone on site has been suspected to be infected or becomes ill.


Our Skydiving Equipment

Skydive Vancouver Island will follow the manufacturer's recommendations and requirements as it pertains to the cleaning and disinfecting of skydiving equipment.

Taking Notes

Additional Resources

Canadian Sport Parachuting Association (CSPA):


Transport Canada:


Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs):


Government of British Columbia:


BC Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC):


Vancouver Island Health Authority (VIHA):


Work Safe B.C.:


Public Health Agency of Canada:


World Health Organization (WHO):


Additional Information for Sport Jumpers

Sport Jumpers will be required to check-in with manifest prior to entering the facility.

  • Skydive Vancouver Island is recommending Sport Jumpers do not travel between other skydiving operations for the purpose of skydiving within the same seventy-two (72) hour period. This recommendation is to assist all operators of dropzones to be able to mitigate the risk of the potential transmission of COVID-19 between operations. If a Sport Jumper has or is planning to visit another dropzone within the seventy-two (72) hour period, it is recommended they advise Manifest upon arrival at Skydive Vancouver Island.

  • It is recommended that Sport Jumpers limit the amount of personal belongings they bring to the dropzone. 

  • Skydive Vancouver Island will not be permitting personal rigs or jumpsuits to be left at the dropzone for an extended period of time, unless being left for rigging purposes.

  • In addition to equipment required for skydiving, it will be mandatory for Sport Jumpers to have a full face helmet and appropriate face covering.

  • Sport jumpers are required to disinfect their helmet, altimeter, camera, jump suit/clothing, and any other exposed contact equipment before their first jump of the day, if skydiving with a different skydiver or group of skydivers, if equipment becomes soiled, and at the end of the day before leaving the dropzone.

  • Skydive Vancouver Island will provide Sport Jumpers with disinfectant that meets the regulations of manufactures and Vancouver Island Health Authority. If sport jumpers want to use their own disinfectant, it must meet these same standards and be approved by the Operations Manager.

Find Your Awesome Today!  

Our Operations:
Open Mid April to the end of October
April to July - Closed Tuesdays & Wednesday
August - Closed Tuesdays
Sept to Oct - Closed Tuesday
s & Wednesdays
Skydiving is weather dependent 

Hours: 10AM until sunset
Call us today if you have a question

Booking in advance is strongly recommended!

Our office is located at the

Arbutus Meadows Events Centre

1515 Island Hwy E

Nanoose Bay, BC


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© Skydive Vancouver Island Inc 2023
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