Date Created: May 13th, 2020
Date Implemented: May 25th, 2020
Revision: March 30th, 2021
Revision: May, 13th 2021
Table of Contents
Our Mission
COVID-19 Health Check Screening
Physical Distancing
Masks and Face Coverings
Activity Scheduling and Tracking
Tandem Students
Solo Students
Experienced Skydivers (Sport Jumpers)
Staff & Contract Workers
Department Safety Protocol Summary
Staff and Contract Workers
Tandem Instructors
Student Instructors and Coaches
Parachute Packers
Manifest/Office Personnel
Ground Crew/GCI
Shuttle Driver
Tandem Students
Solo Students
Experienced Skydivers (Sport Jumpers)
Visitors and Spectators
General Cleaning Safety Protocol
Shuttle Van
Skydiving Equipment
Communication Plan
Staff & Contract Workers
Experienced Skydivers (Sport Jumpers)
Visitors and Spectators
Monitoring the Workplace
Staff Meetings
Quality Assurance Audit
Information Sources and Updates
Appendix 1: Health Check Questionnaire
Appendix 2: Help prevent the spread of COVID-19: Entry check for visitors
Appendix 3: Do Not Enter Poster
Appendix 4: Physical Distancing Poster
Appendix 5: Handwashing poster & Help prevent the spread of COVID-19: Cover coughs and sneezes
Appendix 6: If You Are Sick
Appendix 7: Government of British Columbia Quarantine Act & Self-Isolation on Return to B.C.
Appendix 8: Cleaning and Disinfecting Public Spaces
Appendix 9: Restroom Facility Maintenance Log
Appendix 10: Briefing Checklist
11. Appendix 11: Sample page of Quality System Management Audit Checklist
Our Mission
Safety is of the utmost importance at Skydive Vancouver Island. COVID-19 has not changed this as our priority but rather has us looking even further into our evolving safety measures and processes, whether we are in the sky or on the ground at the dropzone. We have and will continue to critically analyze our processes, including making adaptations as needed and/or recommended by leading provincial and federal advisors. We are in an industry where there is no room for recklessness. We are working closely with Vancouver Island Heath Authorities, Work Safe B.C., Transport Canada, Canadian Sport Parachuting Association, Equipment Manufactures, and other provincial and federal regulators to ensure a collaborative approach to our COVID-19 Response Plan is considered and implemented, keeping the appropriate measures in place and regularly audited to mitigate the risk of transmission to our customers, staff, and community while not jeopardizing our existing safety protocols.
Our COVID-19 Response Plan will be updated as needed to comply with both provincial and federal regulations, as well as, information provided by Vancouver Island Health Authorities, Work Safe B.C., Equipment Manufactures, and the Canadian Sport Parachuting Association to ensure we are keeping the most current measures in place.
2. COVID-19 Health Check Screening
As per Transport Canada screening regulations for passengers boarding an aircraft and the inability for Skydive Vancouver Island to provide the recommended two (2) metres of social distancing at all times, a required Health Check Questionnaire will be put into place. (Refer to Appendix 1: Health Check Questionnaire)
The goal in conducting a health check questionnaire of every customer, employee, contract workers, and visitor is to verify whether they exhibit the following symptoms:
A fever;
A cough; and
Breathing difficulties.
In addition it is the goal to identify the following:
Whether they have been refused boarding an aircraft in the past fourteen (14) days due to a medical reason related to COVID-19;
Whether they are the subject of a mandatory quarantine order as a result of recent travel or as a result of an order issued by provincial and/or local public health authority; and
Whether they have been knowingly exposed to and/or caring for anyone who has presented and/or been diagnosed with the COVID-19 symptoms in the past fourteen (14) days
In the event that a customer, employees, contract workers, and visitors answer(s) to the health check questionnaire indicates a risk of COVID-19, or they refuse to answer any of the questions, refusal of service and/or boarding the aircraft will be taken by Skydive Vancouver Island.
All Tandem Student customers will be asked to complete a mandatory waiver that includes a health check screening no sooner than twenty-four (24) hours prior to arrival, as well as, complete a health check questionnaire upon arrival to the dropzone and before entering the facility, by an assigned staff member of Skydive Vancouver Island.
All visitors and spectators will be required to complete a health check questionnaire upon arrival to the dropzone and before entering the facility, by an assigned staff member of Skydive Vancouver Island.
All experienced skydivers and contract workers will be required to complete a health check questionnaire upon arrival to the dropzone and before entering the facility, by an assigned staff member of Skydive Vancouver Island.
All employees of Skydive Vancouver Island will be required to verbally answer a health check questionnaire upon arrival to the dropzone with the identified Safety Officer of Skydive Vancouver Island or otherwise assigned staff member.
There will also be a poster placed at Manifest Check-In as a reminder to employees, contract workers, customers, and visitors. (Appendix 2: Help prevent the spread of COVID-19: Entry check for visitors)
Posters will be placed at facility entry points advising staff, contract workers, customers, and visitors that entry is not permitted entry into the facility unless cleared by Manifest Personnel. (Appendix 3: Do Not Enter)
3. Physical Distancing
Skydive Vancouver Island will follow the recommendations of Work Safe B.C. and Vancouver Island Health Authority as it pertains to maintaining physical distancing.
Social distancing, also called “physical distancing,” means keeping space between yourself and other people outside of your home. To practice social or physical distancing:
Stay at least two (2) metres length from other people
Do not gather in groups
Stay out of crowded places and avoid mass gatherings
When physical distancing is not possible, it is important to maintain adequate and regular hand-washing and/or hand-sanitizing. Skydive Vancouver Island will provide several hand-sanitizing stations throughout the facility and at high contact areas.
Skydive Vancouver Island will provide markings (such as cones) in potential high traffic areas to ensure physical distancing takes place. There will also be posters placed in high contact areas as a reminder to employees, contract workers, customers, and visitors. (Appendix 4: Physical Distancing Poster)
All Skydive Vancouver Island employees, contract workers, customers, visitors, and spectators will be required to maintain physical distancing from others whenever possible and where outlined in the COVID-19 Response Plan.
4. Hygiene
Skydive Vancouver Island will follow the recommendations of Work Safe B.C. and the Vancouver Island Health Authority as it pertains to maintaining personal hygiene.
As outlined by B.C. Centre for Disease Control,
Hand washing
The most important thing you can do to prevent infection and protect loved ones is to wash your hands regularly and avoid touching your face.
To help reduce your risk of infection
Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Using soap and water is the single most effective way of reducing the spread of infection.
If soap and water are not available, alcohol based hand rubs (ABHR) can be used to clean your hands as long as they are not visibly soiled. If they are visibly soiled, use a wipe and then ABHR to effectively clean them.
Do not touch your face, eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands.
Cover your mouth and nose with a disposable tissue or the crease of your elbow when you sneeze or cough.
Regularly clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces.
Do not share food, drinks, utensils, etc.
Reference: http://www.bccdc.ca/health-info/diseases-conditions/covid-19/prevention-risks/hand-washing
Skydive Vancouver Island will provide several hand-sanitizing stations throughout the facility and at high contact areas. There will also be posters placed in high contact areas as a reminder to employees, contract workers, customers, and visitors. (Appendix 5: Handwashing poster & Help prevent the spread of COVID-19: Cover coughs and sneezes)
4. Masks and Face Coverings
Skydive Vancouver Island will follow the regulations and recommendations of Transport Canada, Public Health Agency of Canada, and United Parachute Technologies as it pertains to the use of masks and face coverings. Masks or face coverings will be required when employees, contract workers, customers, and visitors are unable to maintain physical distancing.
As per Transport Canada regulations,
When travelling by air, travellers will be asked to cover their mouth and nose:
at Canadian airport screening checkpoints, where the screeners cannot always keep two metres of separation between themselves and the traveller;
when they cannot physically distance from others, or as directed by the airline employees; and
when directed to do so by a public health order or public health official.
Aviation passengers on all flights departing or arriving at Canadian airports will also be required to demonstrate they have the necessary non-medical mask or face covering during the boarding process otherwise they will not be allowed to continue on their journey. Passengers should follow the current Public Health Agency of Canada’s guidance on face coverings.
As outlined by the Public Health Agency of Canada,
When worn properly, a person wearing a non-medical mask or face covering can reduce the spread of his or her own infectious respiratory droplets.
Non-medical face masks or face coverings should:
allow for easy breathing
fit securely to the head with ties or ear loops
maintain their shape after washing and drying
be changed as soon as possible if damp or dirty
be comfortable and not require frequent adjustment
be made of at least 2 layers of tightly woven material fabric (such as cotton or linen)
be large enough to completely and comfortably cover the nose and mouth without gaping
Some masks also include a pocket to accommodate a paper towel or disposable coffee filter, for increased benefit.
Non-medical masks or face coverings should not:
be shared with others
impair vision or interfere with tasks
be placed on children under the age of 2 years
be made of plastic or other non-breathable materials
be secured with tape or other inappropriate materials
be made exclusively of materials that easily fall apart, such as tissues
be placed on anyone unable to remove them without assistance or anyone who has trouble breathing
5. Activity Scheduling and Tracking
Skydive Vancouver Island provides services and programs that include Tandem Skydiving, learn to skydive, coaching development, and recreational skydiving for experienced skydivers. Keeping this in mind, our current scheduling procedures and tracking of customers has been modified to accommodate measures specific to COVID-19 and promote social distancing where possible.
5(a) Tandem Students
Tandem Students will be required to phone or book through our online booking system. Phasing of appointment times and pre-activity requirements will be implemented as follows:
First Phase:
Reservations to be scheduled every other hour or organized to ensure no other bookings are allocated one hour before and after their booking time
Reservations can be made for groups no greater than six (6) people and who are all known to each other in their social circle will be accommodated
If the reservation is for one (1) person, they will not be paired with any other booking or allocated to an aircraft with others except those required to complete the Tandem Skydive
Customers will be asked to arrive no earlier that fifteen (15) minutes prior to their scheduled activity time; If they arrive earlier than this time, they will be asked to remain in their vehicle until said time
Customers will be asked to avoid, if possible, participating in close proximity activities where social distancing is not possible, for a minimum of three day (3) days prior to arriving at Skydive Vancouver Island
Customers will receive by email or text an online waiver that is required to be completed no sooner than twenty-four (24) hours prior to their scheduled activity. Completion of the waiver will be encouraged to be completed prior to arriving at the dropzone via the online format. Refusal to complete the waiver will result in the refusal of service.
All customer information, including the completed waiver, the completed health checklist, and a manifest log of customers will be held by Skydive Vancouver Island Inc. for a period no less than three (3) years. Such information does require, but is not limited to, the customer’s full name, date of birth, address, and contact information for auditing purposes. This information is held in confidence and not distributed unless legally allowed to do so.
Second Phase:
All the above actions from the First Phase will continue with exception of:
A(a) which will be modified to allowing reservations to be scheduled every hour while still maintaining social distancing between scheduled customers.
Third Phase:
All the above actions from the First & Second Phase will continue with exception of:
A(b) which will be modified to allow for scheduling of groups no greater than fifteen (15) participants
A(c) will be modified to allow for single reservations being booked and paired with other single bookings at the same time to a maximum of two (2) people per time slot
A(e) will be removed as a recommendation
Fourth Phase:
All the above actions from the First & Second & Third Phase will continue with exception of:
A(b) which will be modified to allow for scheduling of groups greater than fifteen (15) participants
5(b) Solo Students
Solo Students will be required to phone or email the Skydive Vancouver Island office to make their reservation. Phasing of appointment times and pre-activity requirements will be implemented as follows:
First Phase:
Reservations for Solo Student training will not be taken until April 21st, 2021
No more than two (2) solo students will be scheduled on any given day
Students will be asked to avoid, if possible, participating in close proximity activities where social distancing is not possible, for a minimum of three day (3) days prior to arriving at Skydive Vancouver Island
Students will receive by email or text an online waiver that is required to be completed no sooner than twenty-four (24) hours prior to their first scheduled activity. The waiver is only required to be completed once per calendar year. Completion of the waiver will be encouraged to be completed prior to arriving at the dropzone via the online format. Refusal to complete the waiver will result in the refusal of service.
Solo students will be required to complete the Health Check Questionnaire upon arrival at the dropzone each day.
All customer information, including the completed waiver, the completed health checklist, and a manifest log of customers will be held by Skydive Vancouver Island Inc. for a period no less than three (3) years. Such information does require, but is not limited to, the customer’s full name, date of birth, address, and contact information for auditing purposes. This information is held in confidence and not distributed unless legally allowed to do so.
Second Phase:
All the above actions from the First Phase will continue with the exception of:
A(b) which will be modified to allow for no more than six (6) solo students to be scheduled on any given day
Third Phase:
All the above actions from the First & Second Phase will continue with the exception of:
A(b) which will be modified to allow for no more than fifteen (15) solo students to be scheduled on any given day
A(c) will be removed as a recommendation
5(c) Experienced Skydivers (Sport Jumpers)
Phasing of appointment times and pre-activity requirements will be implemented as follows:
First Phase:
No more than ten (10) experienced skydivers will be scheduled on any given day
Experienced skydivers will be provided aircraft group allocations that will be defined by Skydive Vancouver Island manifest at the start of the day to minimize group cross contact throughout the duration of the day; Allocations will be modified only at the discretion of manifest
Experienced skydivers will be asked to avoid, if possible, participating in close proximity activities where social distancing is not possible, for a minimum of three day (3) days prior to arriving at Skydive Vancouver Island
Experienced skydivers will receive by email or text an online waiver that is required to be completed no sooner than twenty-four (24) hours prior to their first scheduled skydive at the dropzone post May 15th, 2020. The waiver is only required to be completed once per calendar year. Completion of the waiver will be encouraged to be completed prior to arriving at the dropzone via the online format. Refusal to complete the waiver will result in the refusal of service.
Skydivers will be required to complete the Health Check Questionnaire upon arrival at the dropzone each day.
All customer information, including the completed waiver, the completed health checklist, and a manifest log of customers will be held by Skydive Vancouver Island Inc. for a period no less than three (3) years. Such information does require, but is not limited to, the customer’s full name, date of birth, address, and contact information for auditing purposes. This information is held in confidence and not distributed unless legally allowed to do so.
Second Phase:
All the above actions from the First Phase will continue with the exception of:
A(b) which will be modified to allow for no specific aircraft group allocations being defined by Skydive Vancouver Island manifest
Third Phase:
All the above actions from the First & Second Phase will continue with the exception of:
A(a) which will be modified to allow for no more than twenty-five (25) experienced skydivers to be scheduled on any given day
Fourth Phase:
All the above actions from the First, Second & Third Phase will continue with exception of:
A(a) will be modified to allow no maximum of experienced skydivers at the dropzone on any given day and no requirement will be required to make a reservation
5d) Staff and Contract Workers
The Skydive Vancouver Island office will contact staff and contract workers regarding scheduling as per usual, while trying to provide as much advance notice as possible.
Staff and contract workers will receive by email or text an online waiver that is required to be completed no sooner than twenty-four (24) hours prior to their first scheduled shift or skydive at the dropzone post May 15th, 2020. The waiver is only required to be completed once per calendar year. Completion of the waiver will be encouraged to be completed prior to arriving at the dropzone via the online format. Refusal to complete the waiver will result in the refusal of employment and service.
6. Department Safety Protocol
Skydive Vancouver Island personnel reserves the right to refuse service to anyone not adhering to operational and/or safety protocols, including those indicated in the COVID-19 Response Plan, of Skydive Vancouver Island Inc.
All customers, visitors, employees, or contractor workers for Skydive Vancouver Island Inc. must respect physical distancing rules from the Province of British Columbia and Vancouver Island Health Authorities. They must avoid contact with other staff members and customers whenever possible.
If a customer, visitor, employee, or contract worker is presenting symptoms, has been in contact with someone sick, or presenting symptoms, or if that customer, visitor, employee or contract worker feels sick, they must stay home.
If any customer, visitor, employee or contract worker becomes sick while at our facility or receiving services at Skydive Vancouver Island they are required to follow the guidelines of BC Centre for Disease Control at http://www.bccdc.ca/health-info/diseases-conditions/covid-19/about-covid-19/if-you-are-sick (Refer to Appendix 6: If You Are Sick) as defined by Skydive Vancouver Island and advise the Operations Manager immediately.
If any customer, visitor, employee or contract worker presents any symptoms or feels sick within fourteen (14) days after being at our facility or receiving services at Skydive Vancouver Island they are requested to advise the Skydive Vancouver Island Operations Manager.
A customer, visitor, employee or contract worker who has returned from travel outside Canada MUST self-isolate for fourteen (14) days and adhere to the Government of British Columbia Quarantine Act. (Refer to Appendix 7: Government of British Columbia Quarantine Act & the Self-Isolation on Return to B.C.) Employees and contract workers are required to contact the Skydive Vancouver Island Operations Manager before returning to work.
6(a) Staff and Contract Workers
All employees and contract workers are asked to assist the dropzone owners to make sure everyone respects the restrictions and the requirements of the COVID-19 Response Plan by escalating any concerns to the Safety Officer of Skydive Vancouver Island or otherwise assigned staff member.
As per Work Safe B.C.,
Workers have the right to refuse work if they believe it presents an undue hazard.
An undue hazard is an “unwarranted, inappropriate, excessive, or disproportionate” hazard. For COVID-19, an “undue hazard” would be one where a worker’s job role places them at increased risk of exposure and adequate controls are not in place to protect them from that exposure.
If the matter is not resolved, the worker and the supervisor or employer must contact WorkSafeBC. Once that occurs, a prevention officer will consult with workplace parties to determine whether there is an undue hazard and issue orders if necessary.
Reference: https://www.worksafebc.com/
Tandem Instructors
Tandem Instructors are required at all times to adhere to the safety protocols set forth by United Parachute Technology and Skydive Vancouver Island as it relates to tandem skydives.
Tandem Instructors will be required to check-in with manifest prior to entering the facility.
Skydive Vancouver Island is recommending Tandem Instructors do not travel between other skydiving operations for the purpose of skydiving within the same seventy-two (72) hour period. This recommendation is to assist all operators of dropzones to be able to mitigate the risk of the potential transmission of COVID-19 between operations. If a Tandem Instructor has or is planning to visit another dropzone, it is recommended they advise Manifest upon arrival at Skydive Vancouver Island.
Tandem Instructors are required to adhere to physical distancing of a minimum of two (2) metres at all times where possible. They should sanitize their hands often and after touching any high contact surfaces. They should also avoid touching their face including the eyes, nose and mouth at all times.
In addition to equipment required for tandem skydiving, it will be mandatory for Tandem Instructors to have a full face helmet and appropriate face covering.
Tandem Instructors will be assigned two (2) rigs each day that should be used in rotation between customers.
At the start of the day and between every customer, instructors are required to sanitize their helmet, altimeters, cameras, and change into a clean shirt. Shirts will be provided by Skydive Vancouver Island daily and will be washed after each use.
Prior to instructing and gearing a customer, instructors are required to use hand sanitizer and also require the customer to do the same. A hand sanitizing station will be located in the assigned instructional area. If gloves are to be worn, sanitizing or changing of gloves between each skydive is required.
While gearing up the customer and physical distancing is not feasible, both the instructor and the customer must wear a face covering. Instructors will provide customers with a face covering before gearing. Customers will not be required to return the provided face covering. Instructor face coverings should be changed if they become soiled or misshaped.
Instructors will provide a sanitized pair of goggles to the customer.
After instruction and gearing is completed, the instructor and customer will proceed together to the designed area to board the shuttle van. Instructors will be required to bring their own equipment to the van and load it in the appropriate area. Prior to loading the van instructors will be required to wear face covering and also ensure their customer is wearing theirs. Instructor and customer will be required to sanitize their hands before entering the van. Face coverings will be required for the duration of the shuttle and are not to be removed unless in emergency situations or directed by the driver otherwise.
Once arrived at the Qualicum Beach Airport, the instructor will remove their assigned gear from the van and proceed to the designated waiting area with their customer and wait for the pilot or other designated employee to escort them to the plane.
Before boarding the aircraft, the instructor will be required to wear a face covering and ensure their customer is wearing theirs. Face coverings will be required for the duration of the flight and are not to be removed unless in emergency situations or directed by the pilot.
It is understood that the instructor and/or customer’s face covering may shift during freefall or while under canopy. The safety procedures while actively skydiving should NOT be compromised in the attempt to adjust a face covering.
Once the skydive is complete and before leaving the landing area, the instructor and customer should proceed to the designated hand sanitizing station and both sanitize their hands and any other exposed area of their arm. Following this, the instructor will remove the harness from the customer. Customers should be encouraged to go directly to their vehicle at this time.
Instructors will bring the student harness and rig to the designated area at the parachute packing station. Instructors will be required to disinfect and stow their own toggles prior to leaving at the packing station. Instructors will be required to disinfect the student harness and hang it at the designated area. Instructors will be required to sanitize customer goggles before replacing to the designated area.
Tandem Instructors will be required to sanitize their hands before leaving the packing area and onto their next task.
Student Instructors and Coaches
Student Instructors and coaches are required at all times to adhere to the safety protocols set forth by Canadian Sport Parachuting Association (CSPA) and Skydive Vancouver Island as it relates to the instruction of students and coaching.
Student Instructors and coaches will be required to check-in with manifest prior to entering the facility.
Skydive Vancouver Island is recommending Student Instructors and Coaches do not travel between other skydiving operations for the purpose of skydiving within the same seventy-two (72) hour period. This recommendation is to assist all operators of dropzones to be able to mitigate the risk of the potential transmission of COVID-19 between operations. If a Student Instructor or coach has or is planning to visit another dropzone, it is recommended they advise Manifest upon arrival at Skydive Vancouver Island.
Student Instructors and coaches are required to adhere to physical distancing of a minimum of two (2) metres at all times where possible. They should sanitize their hands often and after touching any high contact surfaces. They should also avoid touching their face including the eyes, nose and mouth at all times.
A designated instructional area will be assigned at the start of the day for the use of instructor(s) and student pairings. Instructors are asked to not move locations throughout the duration of the day, unless otherwise advised by the Operations Manager.
Coaches will be required to discuss with Manifest to arrange a designated instruction area prior to working with a student. Upon completion of instruction, coaches will be required to clean and disinfect the instructional area and any equipment used for instruction.
When the use of the video debriefing station is required, the instructor(s) or coach must clean and disinfect the area including, but not limited to, the table, chairs, remote, and SD card reader, immediately after each use.
In addition to equipment required for instructional skydiving, it will be mandatory for Student Instructors and coaches to wear a full face helmet and appropriate face covering during the duration of the skydive. Where permitted, students will also be required to wear a full face helmet and face covering during the duration of the skydive.
At the start of the day and between every different student, instructors and coaches are required to sanitize their helmet, altimeters, and cameras. Instructors are also required to change into a clean shirt between different students. Shirts will be provided by Skydive Vancouver Island daily and will be washed after each use.
Prior to instructing and/or gearing a student, instructors and coaches are required to use hand sanitizer. A hand sanitizing station will be located in the assigned instructional area. If gloves are to be worn, sanitizing or changing of gloves between each skydive is required.
When physical distancing is not feasible during instruction and/or gearing, instructors, coaches, and students must wear a face covering.
After instruction and gearing is completed, the instructor(s) and student will proceed together to the designed area to board the shuttle van. Instructors and students will be required to bring their own equipment to the van and load it in the appropriate area.
Prior to loading the van, instructors, coaches, and students will be required to wear face covering and to sanitize their hands. Face coverings will be required for the duration of the shuttle and are not to be removed unless in emergency situations or directed by the driver otherwise.
Once arrived at the Qualicum Beach Airport, the instructors, coaches, and students will remove their assigned gear from the van and proceed to the designated waiting area and wait for the pilot or other designated employee to escort them to the plane.
Before boarding the aircraft, the instructors, coaches, and students will be required to wear a face covering. Face coverings will be required for the duration of the flight and are not to be removed unless in emergency situations or directed by the pilot.
It is understood that the face coverings may shift during freefall or while under canopy. The safety procedures while actively skydiving should NOT be compromised in the attempt to adjust a face covering.
Instructors, coaches, and students will bring their own gear to the designated area at the parachute packing station.They will be required to disinfect and stow their own toggles prior to leaving at the packing station if using a designated packer other than themselves. All other equipment should be brought back to the designated instruction and disinfected as required.
Instructors, coaches, and students will be required to sanitize their hands and any other exposed area of their arm before leaving the packing area and onto their next task.
Parachute Packers/Riggers
Parachute packers and riggers are required at all times to adhere to the safety protocols set forth by Canadian Sport Parachuting Association (CSPA), Manufactures, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), and Skydive Vancouver Island as it relates to the packing, handling, and rigging of skydiving equipment.
Packers and riggers will be required to check-in with manifest prior to entering the facility.
Packers and riggers are required to adhere to physical distancing of a minimum of two (2) metres at all times where possible. They should sanitize their hands often and after touching any high contact surfaces. They should also avoid touching their face including the eyes, nose and mouth at all times.
A designated packing area will be assigned at the start of the day for each packer and rigger. These packing areas are not to be shared at any time with other staff, contract workers, customers, or visitors. Packers and riggers are asked to not move locations throughout the duration of the day, unless otherwise advised by the Operations Manager.
A designated area will be assigned at the start of each day for rigs to be dropped off and picked up by the user(s). Personal rigs will be kept separate from student and Tandem rigs at all times. Packers and riggers are asked to not move these locations throughout the duration of the day, unless otherwise advised by the Operations Manager.
Unpacked rigs are required to be separated and in no way overlapping, piled, or touching.
Packers will be provided their own packing tools including, pack boys, weights, and rubber bands. Any other required equipment can be used as needed. Sharing of tools and equipment will not be permitted unless disinfecting and cleaning has been conducted before and after each individuals use.
Packers and riggers will be required to sanitize their hands before and after each completed pack job. If gloves are to be worn, sanitizing or changing of gloves between each pack job is required.
All rigs should have the toggles disinfected and stowed by the user prior to delivering to the packing area rig drop off. If toggles are found to be un-stowed, the packer should disinfect the toggles, stow them, and request to the user that they adhere to the requirements. If the user continues not to follow the safety protocol, the packer or rigger should report the name of the user to the Operations Manager for follow up.
Packers and riggers will be required to disinfect and clean their designated packing area and all tools at the end of each day. If a packing area becomes soiled, the area must be disinfected and cleaned immediately.
Manifest/Office Personnel
Manifest/Office personnel are required at all times to adhere to the safety protocols set forth by Skydive Vancouver Island.
Manifest/Office Personnel are required to adhere to physical distancing of a minimum of two (2) metres at all times where possible. They should sanitize their hands often and after touching any high contact surfaces. They should also avoid touching their face including the eyes, nose and mouth at all times.
Hand sanitizing between each customer contact is required. If gloves are to be worn, sanitizing or changing of gloves between each customer contact is required.
When checking-in customers, manifest/office personnel will ensure customers are maintaining physical distancing and standing on the identifying designated waiting points.
Disinfecting of equipment such as cameras, IPads, phones, credit card/debit terminals, customer storage bins, counter tops, and other points of high contact is required after each use.
Manifest/Office Personnel is required to assist in the regular cleaning and disinfecting of high traffic areas including but not limited to the restrooms, lounge area, and hanger.
Ground Control Instructor
Ground Control Instructors (GCI) are required at all times to adhere to the safety protocols set forth by Canadian Sport Parachuting Association (CSPA) and Skydive Vancouver Island as it relates to the instruction of students.
GCIs will be required to check-in with manifest prior to entering the facility.
GCIs are required to adhere to physical distancing of a minimum of two (2) metres at all times where possible. They should sanitize their hands often and after touching any high contact surfaces. They should also avoid touching their face including the eyes, nose and mouth at all times.
Hand sanitizing between each customer contact is required. If gloves are to be worn, sanitizing or changing of gloves between each customer contact is required.
Disinfecting of equipment such as cameras, radios, and other points of high contact is required regularly. Disinfecting before and after each use is required if equipment is to be shared with others.
GCIs are required to assist in the regular cleaning and disinfecting of high traffic areas including but not limited to the restrooms, lounge area, and hanger.
Pilots are required at all times to adhere to the safety protocols set forth by Transport Canada and Skydive Vancouver Island.
Pilots will be required to check-in with manifest prior to entering the facility.
Pilots are required to adhere to physical distancing of a minimum of two (2) metres at all times where possible. They should sanitize their hands often and after touching any high contact surfaces. They should also avoid touching their face including the eyes, nose and mouth at all times.
Before boarding the aircraft, the pilot and passengers will be required to wear a face covering. Face coverings will be required for the duration of the flight and are not to be removed unless in emergency situations or there are no passengers in the aircraft.
Hand sanitizing between each customer contact is required. If gloves are to be worn, sanitizing or changing of gloves between each customer contact is required.
Disinfecting of floor mat, door handles, strut, seatbelts, and other points of high contact is required after each flight. No one is permitted in the aircraft until such cleaning is complete.
Shuttle Drivers
Shuttle drivers are required at all times to adhere to the safety protocols set forth by Skydive Vancouver Island.
Shuttle drivers will be required to check-in with manifest prior to entering the facility.
Shuttle drivers are required to adhere to physical distancing of a minimum of two (2) metres at all times where possible. They should sanitize their hands often and after touching any high contact surfaces. They should also avoid touching their face including the eyes, nose and mouth at all times.
Shuttle drivers are required to wear a face covering at all times when anyone else in in the van and at times where physical distancing cannot be provided between the driver and passengers.
Hand sanitizing between each customer contact is required. If gloves are to be worn, sanitizing or changing of gloves between each customer contact is required.
Disinfecting of seats, door handles and other points of high contact is required after each trip. No one is permitted in the van until such cleaning is complete.
Anyone entering the van must sanitize their hands before entry and wear a face covering for the duration of the trip.
Shuttle drivers are required to assist in the regular cleaning and disinfecting of high traffic areas including but not limited to the restrooms, lounge area, and hanger.
6(b) Customers
Tandem Students
Tandem students are required at all times to adhere to the safety protocols set forth by Skydive Vancouver Island.
Tandem Students will be required to check-in with manifest prior to entering the facility.
Tandem students are required to adhere to physical distancing of a minimum of two (2) metres at all times where possible. They should sanitize their hands often and after touching any high contact surfaces. They should also avoid touching their face including the eyes, nose and mouth at all times.
Prior to instructing and gearing up, tandem students are required to use hand sanitizer. A hand sanitizing station will be located in the assigned instructional area. If gloves are to be worn, sanitizing or changing of gloves between each skydive is required.
While an instructor is gearing up a tandem student and physical distancing is not feasible, both the instructor and the customer must wear a face covering. Instructors will provide tandem students with a face covering before gearing. Tandem students will not be required to return the provided face covering.
Instructors will provide a sanitized pair of goggles to the tandem student.
After instruction and gearing is completed, the instructor and tandem student will proceed together to the designed area to board the shuttle van. Prior to loading the van, instructors and tandem students will be required to wear face. Instructor and tandem students will be required to sanitize their hands before entering the van. Face coverings will be required for the duration of the shuttle and are not to be removed unless in emergency situations or directed by the driver otherwise.
Once arrived at the Qualicum Beach Airport, the instructor and tandem student will proceed to the designated waiting area and wait for the pilot or other designated employee to escort them to the plane.
Before boarding the aircraft, the instructor and tandem student will be required to wear a face covering. Face coverings will be required for the duration of the flight and are not to be removed unless in emergency situations or directed by the pilot.
It is understood that the instructor and/or tandem students face covering may shift during freefall or while under canopy. The safety procedures while actively skydiving should NOT be compromised in the attempt to adjust a face covering.
Once the skydive is complete and before leaving the landing area, the instructor and tandem student should proceed to the designated hand sanitizing station and both sanitize their hands and any other exposed area of their arm. Following this, the instructor will remove the harness from the tandem student. Tandem students will be encouraged to go directly to their vehicle at this time.
Solo Students
Students are required at all times to adhere to the safety protocols set forth by Canadian Sport Parachuting Association (CSPA) and Skydive Vancouver Island.
Solo Students will be required to check-in with manifest prior to entering the facility.
Students are required to adhere to physical distancing of a minimum of two (2) metres at all times where possible. They should sanitize their hands often and after touching any high contact surfaces. They should also avoid touching their face including the eyes, nose and mouth at all times.
Skydive Vancouver Island is recommending Solo Students do not travel between other skydiving operations for the purpose of skydiving within the same seventy-two (72) hour period. This recommendation is to assist all operators of dropzones to be able to mitigate the risk of the potential transmission of COVID-19 between operations. If a Solo Student has or is planning to visit another dropzone, it is recommended they advise Manifest upon arrival at Skydive Vancouver Island.
It is recommended that Sport Jumpers limit the amount of personal belongings they bring to the dropzone. A designated locker can be provided by Manifest, whereby Sport Jumpers will be required to clean and disinfect personal lockers at the end of each day when used.
A designated instructional area will be assigned at the start of the day for the use of instructor(s) and student pairings. Instructors and students are asked to not move locations throughout the duration of the day, unless otherwise advised by the Operations Manager.
Where permitted, students will be required to wear a full face helmet and face covering.
Students will be required to disinfect their helmet, goggles, and altimeter after each skydive.
Prior to instructing and/or gearing a student, instructors, coaches and students are required to use hand sanitizer. A hand sanitizing station will be located in the assigned instructional area. If gloves are to be worn, sanitizing or changing of gloves between each skydive is required.
When physical distancing is not feasible during instruction and/or gearing, instructors, coaches, and the students must wear a face covering.
After instruction and gearing is completed, the instructor(s) and student will proceed together to the designed area to board the shuttle van. Instructors and students will be required to bring their own equipment to the van and load it in the appropriate area.
Prior to loading the van, students will be required to wear face covering and to sanitize their hands. Face coverings will be required for the duration of the shuttle and are not to be removed unless in emergency situations or directed by the driver otherwise.
Once arrived at the Qualicum Beach Airport, the instructors, coaches, and students will remove their assigned gear from the van and proceed to the designated waiting area and wait for the pilot or other designated employee to escort them to the plane.
Before boarding the aircraft, students will be required to wear a face covering. Face coverings will be required for the duration of the flight and are not to be removed unless in emergency situations or directed by the pilot.
It is understood that the face coverings may shift during freefall or while under canopy. The safety procedures while actively skydiving should NOT be compromised in the attempt to adjust a face covering.
Once the skydive is complete and before leaving the landing area, students should proceed to the designated hand sanitizing station and sanitize their hands and any other exposed area of their arm.
Students will bring their own gear to the designated area at the parachute packing station.They will be required to disinfect and stow their own toggles prior to leaving at the packing station if using a designated packer other than themselves. All other equipment should be brought back to the designated instruction and disinfected as required.
Students will be required to sanitize their hands and any other exposed area of their arm before leaving the packing area and onto their next task.
Experienced Skydivers (Sport Jumpers)
Sport jumpers are required at all times to adhere to the safety protocols set forth by Canadian Sport Parachuting Association (CSPA) and Skydive Vancouver Island.
Sport jumpers are required to adhere to physical distancing of a minimum of two (2) metres at all times where possible. They should sanitize their hands often and after touching any high contact surfaces. They should also avoid touching their face including the eyes, nose and mouth at all times.
Skydive Vancouver Island is recommending Sport Jumpers do not travel between other skydiving operations for the purpose of skydiving within the same seventy-two (72) hour period. This recommendation is to assist all operators of dropzones to be able to mitigate the risk of the potential transmission of COVID-19 between operations. If a Sport Jumper has or is planning to visit another dropzone within the seventy-two (72) hour period, it is recommended they advise Manifest upon arrival at Skydive Vancouver Island.
It is recommended that Sport Jumpers limit the amount of personal belongings they bring to the dropzone. A designated locker can be provided by Manifest, whereby Sport Jumpers will be required to clean and disinfect personal lockers at the end of each day when used.
Skydive Vancouver Island will not be permitting personal rigs or jumpsuits to be left at the dropzone for an extended period of time, unless being left for rigging purposes.
In addition to equipment required for skydiving, it will be mandatory for Sport Jumpers to have a full face helmet and appropriate face covering.
Sport jumpers are required to disinfect or clean their helmet, altimeter, camera, and any other exposed contact equipment before their first jump of the day, if skydiving with a different skydiver or group of skydivers, if equipment becomes soiled, and at the end of the day before leaving the dropzone.
Sport Jumpers are recommended to clean any skydiving equipment such as jumpsuits, wingsuits, camera jackets, and tracksuits regularly as per the manufacturer's guidelines.
Sport Jumpers will be required to check-in with manifest prior to entering the facility.
Skydive Vancouver Island will provide Sport Jumpers with disinfectant that meets the regulations of manufactures and Vancouver Island Health Authority. If sport jumpers want to use their own disinfectant, it must meet these same standards and be approved by the Operations Manager.
Skydive Vancouver Island will provide sport jumpers with their own area to pack that will be assigned upon arrival and check-in with manifest. Packing areas for sport jumpers are not to be shared or moved unless otherwise directed by the Operations Manager or Manifest personnel.
Sport Jumpers will be provided designated packing mats to be used for the duration of the day. Sport Jumpers will be required to disinfect and clean their designated packing area and all tools at the end of each day. If a packing area becomes soiled, the area must be disinfected and cleaned immediately. Packing mats can be left in place to be collected by staff at the end of the day.
If a sport jumper is going to use someone else to pack their parachute, be it a Skydive Vancouver Island employee or other individual, toggles are to be disinfected and stowed by the sport jumper prior to delivering it to the packing area rig drop off.
Sharing of tools and equipment will not be permitted unless disinfecting and cleaning has been conducted before and after each individuals use.
Prior to dirt diving a planned group skydive, Sport Jumpers are required to use hand sanitizer. If gloves are to be worn, sanitizing or changing of gloves is required.
When physical distancing is not feasible, such as but not limited to dirt diving, gear checks, and debriefing, Sport Jumpers must wear a face covering.
When the use of the video debriefing station is required, Sport Jumpers must clean and disinfect the area including, but not limited to, the table, chairs, remote, and SD card reader, immediately after each use.
Prior to loading the shuttle van, Sport Jumpers will be required to wear a face covering and to sanitize their hands. They will also load their own equipment into the designated storage area. Face coverings will be required for the duration of the shuttle and are not to be removed unless in emergency situations or directed by the driver otherwise.
Once arrived at the Qualicum Beach Airport, Sport Jumpers will remove their own equipment from the van and proceed to the designated waiting area and wait for the pilot or other designated employee to escort them to the plane.
Before boarding the aircraft, Sport Jumpers will be required to wear a face covering. Face coverings will be required for the duration of the flight and are not to be removed unless in emergency situations or directed by the pilot.
It is understood that the face coverings may shift during freefall or while under canopy. The safety procedures while actively skydiving should NOT be compromised in the attempt to adjust a face covering.
Upon landing, Sport Jumpers will bring their own gear to their designated packing area.All equipment and personal belongings should remain at the designated packing area if not in use.
Sport Jumpers will be required to sanitize their hands and any other exposed area of their arm after packing their parachute and before moving onto their next task.
Visitors and Spectators
Visitors and spectators are required at all times to adhere to the safety protocols set forth by Skydive Vancouver Island.
Visitors will be required to check-in with manifest prior to entering the facility.
Visitors and spectators are required to adhere to physical distancing of a minimum of two (2) metres at all times.
They should sanitize their hands often and after touching any high contact surfaces. They should also avoid touching their face including the eyes, nose and mouth at all times.
A designated observation and waiting area will be assigned at the start of the day for the use of visitors and spectators. They are asked to not move locations throughout the duration of their stay, unless absolutely necessary or directed by Skydive Vancouver Island staff to do so.
Visitors and spectators are recommended not to linger or stay at the dropzone any longer than required.
Skydive Vancouver Island reserves the right to limit the number of visitors and spectators at any time.
7(d) Skydiving Equipment
Skydive Vancouver Island will follow the manufactures recommendations and requirements as it pertains to the cleaning and disinfecting of skydiving equipment.
Specific guidelines will be followed for the following:
Parachute containers and student harnesses
When necessary, use of an alcohol based disinfectant is permitted, as long as you do not saturate the material, and allow it to dry completely before use, as to prevent hardware from slipping.
Containers and student harness should be stored in an area where, once disinfected, the possibility of contamination is minimized.
Observe high touch points such as toggles for more regular disinfecting.
After each use, an alcohol based disinfectant is permitted to clean the goggles. They should be allowed to dry completely and placed in an area protected from contamination before the next use.
Exposed Equipment (Helmets, cameras, altimeters)
Equipment that has a higher exposure to contamination should be cleaned regularly. An alcohol based disinfectant is permitted to clean the equipment. They should be allowed to dry completely and placed in an area protected from contamination before the next use.
Clothes, Buffs, & Gloves
Launder items with laundry soap or household detergent. Consider using a detergent that contains bleach. However, be sure to read the product description and guidelines to avoid potentially ruining certain clothing items.
Choose the warmest available water setting. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends water temperatures between 60–90°C (140–194°F). However, high temperatures can damage or shrink delicate clothing items, so remember to read the care labels.
Dry clothing completely.
Wear gloves when doing laundry. Wash the hands with warm water and soap immediately after removing the gloves. If gloves are not available, wash the hands immediately after handling dirty clothing and avoid touching the face.
Fasten any Velcro before wash
Wash alone, in cold water, on a gentle cycle. If the suit is lightly soiled, do not use detergent, water will do the job for a quick refresh. If you need to use soap, we recommend you use a no-detergent laundry soap. Avoid mainstream detergents like Tide, Clorox and all the likes. Use gentle and unscented or specialized outdoor gear laundry soap and use half of the recommended dose. Spot clean when possible instead of doing a full wash
Do not use bleach, additives or harsh detergent. These can cause permanent damage to the fabric, like yellowing whites, fading colors or make fabric prone to tears.
Remove from the washer as soon as the cycle is done. Leaving the suit wet in the washer after the cycle is done may cause colours to bleed.
Hang to dry, in a shaded spot, do not tumble dry.
Wingsuits & Tracking Suits
A gentle cycle with mild detergent
Do not use bleach, additives or harsh detergent
Combined with some elapsed time would certainly give confidence in the cleanliness of the gear
Wingsuits/Tracksuits should only be hung dry in the shade, never put in the dryer or the sun.
8. Communication Plan
In accordance with the order of the Provincial Health Officer, Skydive Vancouver Island will post the COVID-19 Response Plan at the Manifest office for anyone to review.
Skydive Vancouver Island will also provide a summary of key components for their customers to review on our website (www.skydivevancouverisland.com). A full copy of the COVID-19 Response Plan will also be available on our website.
8(a) Staff and Contract Workers
Skydive Vancouver Island will provide training and recertification (as relative to defined work role) to all staff and contract workers prior to the opening of the skydive season. Staff or contract workers will not be able to work at Skydive Vancouver Island until such time this training has been completed.
All staff and contract workers will receive a full copy of Skydive Vancouver Island Operational Procedures relative to their defined work role, including but not limited to, the COVID-19 Response Plan.
All staff and contract workers will be required to sign an employment contract prior to working for Skydive Vancouver Island that will include that they have read and understood the COVID-19 Response Plan.
Staff meetings will be held regularly to ensure compliance, understanding, and/or concerns can be identified, reviewed, and modified as needed.
Skydive Vancouver Island Operations Manager will meet regularly with individual staff and contract workers to ensure compliance, understanding, and/or concerns can be identified, reviewed, and modified as needed.
8(b) Customers
For Tandem Customers and Solo Students, a link to the summary of key components of the Covid-19 Response Plan will be included in the email confirmation of their booking and the waiver completion request email sent no sooner than twenty-four (24) hours prior to their scheduled skydive reservation.
All customers will be asked while checking in with Manifest if they have reviewed and understood the COVID-19 Response Plan. If they answer NO to either question, Manifest personnel will summarize the key components of the plan and advice the customer that the complete plan can be found on our website.
8(c) Experience Jumpers (Sport Jumpers)
Skydive Vancouver Island will provide a dedicated Safety Day virtual forum open to all Sport Jumpers prior to the opening of the skydive season. Among skydiving related topics, the COV-19 Response Plan as it applies to Sport Jumpers will be covered in detail. If a sport jumper is unable to attend the virtual forum, they will be referred to the online copy of the COVID-19 Response Plan and the Canadian Sport Parachuting Association Parachutist Information Manuals (refer to https://cspa.ca/en/PIMs).
Sport Jumpers will be required to receive a dropzone briefing prior to skydiving at Skydive Vancouver Island. They will be required to complete and sign a briefing checklist on completion of the briefing which will be valid for one (1) calendar year (Appendix 10: Briefing Checklist). Sport Jumpers will not be able to skydive at Skydive Vancouver Island until this briefing has been completed.
8(d) Visitors and Spectators
Visitors and spectators will be discouraged to come to the dropzone when confirming bookings with customers. All visitors and spectators will be asked to adhere to the posted information posters while at Skydive Vancouver Island. They while not be permitted to enter the facility unless they have received a briefing of the COVID-19 Response Plan and completed the Health Check Screening.
9. Monitoring the Workplace
9(a) Staff Meetings
Staff meetings will be an opportunity for staff and the Operations Manager to work collaboratively towards a common goal and the mission of Skydive Vancouver Island. Staff meetings will be conducted regularly with all employees with a minimum of two (2) meetings per month. The format of each staff meeting will be:
Check-In: We’ll take a few minutes for each staff member to “check-in” on how they are feeling emotionally, mentally, and physically.
Highlights / Recent: We’ll walk through recent key highlights worth celebrating.
Challenges / Constraints: We’ll deeply reflect together on what’s tough about the business, and what limiting factors we need to be cognizant of.
Upcoming priorities: We’ll dive into our biggest priorities and areas of focus for the upcoming week(s).
Next Steps: We’ll cover any action items and next steps that should be taken.
Any staff member can request a one-on-one meeting with the Operations Manager at any time.
9(b) Quality Assurance Audits
Skydive Vancouver Island regularly reviews all operational processes and procedures. In light of the recent COVID-19 pandemic, Skydive Vancouver Island will formalize the Quality Assurance Audit and will require a formalized audit to be completed a minimum of two (2) times per operational season (March to October).
Skydive Vancouver Island Quality Assurance model reflects that derived from a Six Sigma approach. Six Sigma is a disciplined, data-driven approach and methodology for eliminating defects.
A quality assurance audit is an independent process for examining and evaluating Quality Assurance systems, procedures and policies to ensure they produce the quality levels expected.
There are three kinds of quality assurance audits:
Process audit: Examines processes, including the resources used and defined requirements within those processes, like weights, times and measurements. It also examines work instructions, flow charts and worker training.
Product audit: Examines products or services to determine if they meet quality requirements.
System audit: Examines the quality management system to ensure it meets requirements, such as internal company policies, regulatory requirements or commitments made in a customer contract.
Skydive Vancouver Island will incorporate all three quality assurance audits into a master Quality Management Audit Checklist (Appendix 11: Sample page of Quality System Management Audit Checklist)
The Quality Assurance Audit Checklist will cover the following:
General Overview
Management Responsibility
Resource Management
Product Realization
Measurement, Analysis, & Improvement
Each category will have specifically focused questions and will be deemed by the auditor as Compliant, Opportunity For Improvement (OFI), Minor Non-Compliance, or Major Non-Compliance. A summary report will be provided by the quality auditor to the Operations Manager upon which any required actions and recommendations will be addressed.
10. Information Sources and Updates
Skydive Vancouver Island: https://www.skydivevancouverisland.com/
Canadian Sport Parachuting Association (CSPA): https://cspa.ca/en
Transport Canada: https://www.tc.gc.ca/en/transport-canada.html
Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs): https://www.tc.gc.ca/en/transport-canada/corporate/acts-regulations/regulations/sor-96-433.html
Government of British Columbia: https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/home
BC Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC): http://www.bccdc.ca/health-info/diseases-conditions/covid-19
Vancouver Island Health Authority (VIHA): https://www.islandhealth.ca/
Work Safe B.C.: https://www.worksafebc.com/en
Public Health Agency of Canada: https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/diseases/coronavirus-disease-covid-19.html
World Health Organization (WHO): https://www.who.int/